Short but sweet

Dev Log #2

Hello internet folks! Our last two weeks have been a bit slow (lots of personal work our team has been busy with), but there’s still some awesome new stuff being worked on that we can show you :). We’ve been progressing through a swamp of starter tasks to get a demo out there. Some of them are game related, some of them aren’t (like setting up our own Annoying Cat Bot for our Discord channel!), but in the end it’ll be totally worth it, you’ll see! 


We now have a Twitter account for you to follow us on! You can check it out at (@Cardboard_Dev). We’ll be posting reminders of these awesome dev logs, more concept art, probably some videos… the whole nine yards! (That’s 8.23 meters for us metric system users).

Also, don’t forget to join us on Discord at Just drop in and say hi! We’ll totally answer all of your questions, as wacky as they may be. 


Andreshb has been unstoppable reworking the UI, giving us some really sweet-looking art that makes us drool. The new UI will contain all of the new game elements that we’re considering into implementation (like a nifty spirit container that will fill up, instead of the old, boring spirit bar that went down with time)




Also, Kideya has been also working on prototype models for some weapons, mainly a nice cardboard sword and a bow and arrow for the archer enemy. Ain’t this looking awesome?


NoahLemelson is on fire. Not only he has been writing some really incredible lines for a conceptual introductory sequence, but he’s also been scripting a bit of the dialogue within the first colosseum. It’s funny, it’s witty, it’s clever, and we’re loving it! Can’t wait to share it with you all with a proper cutscene (which, in turn are being also discussed!). Here’s a fun little snippet of what we’ve got going so far:

[The camera looks over the arena. It’s a shabby thing, not even half filled. On a massive cardboard TV overlooking the stadium an image of the Emperor appears]
The Emperor: Good afternoon my well entertained and very very very loyal subjects. We have a great show for you today. The best, the absolute best, for my favorite town.
[The Emperor checks his notes]
The Emperor: Greenfield! Yep, sure love that Greenfield, and your famous…
[He checks his notes again]
The Emperor: Cows. (Whispering to himself) Man this really is the sticks.
The Emperor: Ahem! As I was saying, we’ve got a great show for you today, some really top class gladiators here, definitely not just the rejects from all the cooler arenas. Not only that, but you, yes you, will soon be graced by my divine presence. Yes, Greensberg or whatever, has won a contest to have me, your Emperor, come visit you to host your local championship fight! So mark the date because soon your life will change forever!
Also, remember to pay your taxes, your Emperor loves ya!
[The Emperor leaves the screen, but it doesn’t shut off in time]
The Emperor: (offscreen) Make sure they get my bed right and bring my chef. It’s bad enough that I’m going to be stuck is some hick town listening to cows all night—
[The screen shuts off] 

Our resident sound chef LeafLet started baking some SFX sounds for our mad experiments! He’s also starting to work on the Main Menu theme song, so look forward to hearing a sample of that in the near future (we sure are!) 

We are also working on a Roadmap of the things that need to get done so that both you and our team can see more clearly where we are in the development process in relation to the project as a whole. Looking forward to getting that done for everyone’s sake! 

Until the next dev log! 

- Chuster II

Get Cardboard Colosseum

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